Saturday, April 14, 2007

Post Ten

The most interesting topics I found was the common idea tha everyone thinks technology is a very good idea for the classroom. If the majority of our country's future teachers think that technology is beneficial for their students, we should try harder to integrate it. Another topic I found interesting was on Welsch Lass' site talking about using technology back at home, in England, and how she uses it to keep in touch with family while here at FSU.
The next technology related skill I would like to learn next is how to use a Smart Board. We watched a film in my teaching diverse populations class that had smart boards in the classrooms. These boards are large touch screens that students and teachers can use to learn many things. I would like to learn how to use them because they look most beneficial and fun.
To achieve my future educational technology-related goals, I feel that I may look into finding courses that could help me along the way. It never hurts to be overly prepared. I feel strongly about the belief that integrating technology into the classroom can benefit everyone.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Post Nine

As a teacher, a web based tool that I find will be really helpful is the program inspiration. It was really neat all the graphs you can make and it will allow students to be creative on their own levels and come up with their own creations. I find that very important allowing students to make things on their own and learn what they are capable of.

A tool or resource that I have not yet come across but might find really helpful would be a gradesheet program that you enter in all your desired information and the webpage calculates it all for you. Excel is great but I find that there has to be a quicker way to do a gradepage than that.