Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Post Four

In chapter 4 I learned the most about vocabulary words I have heard often, but never knew what the meant. My computer geek friends and family members would always utter these words when fixing and creating computers, but I never asked for explanations. Words such as a CPU(central processing unit), or a motherboard, a circuit board wherte many of the electronic components in the system unit reside. I also learned the process in which a computer translates data put into it. Step 1: the user presses the letter on the keyboard(for example the letter "T"). Step 2: An electronic signal for the letter T is sent to the system unit. Step 3: The electronic signals that is sent when the key is pressed is the ASCII binary code; the ASCII binary code is stored in the memory for processing. And Step 4: After processing, the ASCII binary code for the letter T is converted to an image and displayed on the output device.
As I have wandered about other bloggers pages I have found that i have a lot in common with their ideas. I have found that many of us agree on the fact that technology can have a major impact on education. I have also found that many of the bloggers would have to agree on the fact that many of the programs we have learned about will make teaching and interacting with the students a lot more creative and fun for everyone.
Since my last post we have completed another Skills Check. It surprised me and amazed me how little i knew about the Word Document program. That program can do so many things that can make creating a document much more efficient and easy. I can only hope that I will remember those skills and use them in the future when creating documents for my classes and students.


misspersha said...

I agree with you-I thought I knew how to use word pretty efficiently but this test sure showed me!!

cew06h said...

I know how you feel! Word has so many functions that I never knew it had! I hope I can remember these functions in the future because they are likely to come in handy!

Taylor said...

I also learned alot of things in word that I did not know before I took the pratice test.

DC said...

My dad is a computer networker and programmer. He's used different terms I don't know too and now I sort of know a bit about what he's talking about.

Christa said...

My family and friends also talk "computer talk" a lot and I have no idea what they are talking about! But now I might be able to understand a few things they are talknig about! haha