Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Post Three

In Chapter three, I learned about different kinds of software. The three main kinds that stick out the most are application software, productivity software, graphics and multimedia software. These different software programs make if easiere to navigate and create while on the computer. I find them helpful and encouraging for more and more people to begin to use them.

Application Software: a computer program designed to carry out a specialized tasks for the user, such as database management, word processing, or electronic mail.
Productivity Software: is Application software such as spreadsheets, database, word processing, graphics, and desktop publishing which allow the user to produce reports efficiently and professionally.
Graphics and Multimedia Software: In computer graphics, graphics software is a program or collection of programs that enable a person to manipulate visual images on a computer.

These three software programs help to make using computers more fun and involved on a personal level. Through using a Graphics Software program I have learned how to design my own graphic images and charts. Through this program I could, in the future of my teaching career, help myself and my students follow along with lessons more efficiently and more together.


misspersha said...

I said the same thing I think computers have become a little more fun and I look foward to using them in the future.

>Lyss said...

I agree with using these programs in the future. I think if students have the ability to follow along with this software, they will be more entertained.

Emily55 said...

I also learned about the three different types of programming software and found the information to be quite useful!

Katie said...

I agree that these progrmas make computers more fun on a personal level. They allow you to use computers for whatever may be important to you.

Taylor said...

I agree with you in that these programs have become alot better and more fun to use. It will be helpful when it is time for us to teach our own students.

A HOPEful Life said...

Programmed software has been very useful. I agree, it is more fun and entertaining, as well as more personal.