Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Post Five

With digital media now in the grasp of our own hands, teacher, businessmen, and entertainment industries can go to limits in teaching, presenting, and entertaining like never before. Technology is the term first associated with computer use in the classroom. Computers found their ways to the schools and have been used for training, production, and vocational skills. When digital media came it was defined as those technologies that allowed users to create new forms of interaction, expression, communication, and entertainment in a digital format. With this new technology of digital media, it has made teaching and presenting more personal and fun for everyone students and businessmen alike.
Besides learning about how digital media has made things a little easier, I have also learned about specific programs that have been invented due to this finding of digital media. These programs are anywhere from pre K levels to adult. Pre K levels include PBS, or LEARN TO READ, and the adult ones are video games or computer games such as SIMS. I was addicted to video games when I was younger, Nintendo ruled my life. Ha ha. But now that they have come out with educational video games, as an aspiring teacher, I am excited to explore these games and suggest them to parents of my future students.
New skills I have acquired since my last posting on here include learning even MORE about Microsoft Word. (Is that even possible?) Yet, this time I have taught myself along the way. I have explored all the different functions and settings of how to use a table and create the exact setting you need. I found it difficult at first but I was determined to figure it out because this class has shown me how little I know about Microsoft functions and I want to learn more.


cew06h said...

I never knew that Microsoft Word had so many functions!

Jenshka said...

It's so cool how many educational video games are out there. It's way better for kids than the stuff I spent my childhood playing (I too was addicted to Nintendo).

Michelle said...

I am really glad that those educational games have been created too, I think it will really be helpful..and fun too.

AmazedbyU said...

Yeah I find as long as you are determined to learn it, you will! I have an even greater sense of accomplishment if I teach it to myself!