Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Post Six

In Chapter Six, there are many new things I have come across that have brought new definitions to my memory. Terms such as a "teachable moment." This is a moment where the teachers have an open window of opportunity for the information they are teaching to be comprehended in greater detail by students.
I found this term the most interesting, and the fact that computers have made this moment easier and have provided powerful opportunities for many different types of teaching and learning to be engaged by the students in learning experiences. I am excited to know that computers can help this opportunity because I think students will enjoy working with computers and will learn quicker by using them in the classroom.
Since my last post, I have ventured into the land of Excel. There are a lot of functions on that program as well as the Word Document program. I am continuously surprised at how much you can do with computers!


AmazedbyU said...

I agree...it really is amazing just how much you can do!
Excel is a great program...really helpful for teachers..and even keeping track of your finances! :)

Tara said...

Yeah, I think we'll be seeing alot more of Excel in our future careers so its good we learned so much about it in class.

sneakers said...

Excel is a great program. It was good to learn how to use it in class. Prior to class, I would get a little overwhelmed with the functions.

Jennifer said...

I agree, excel is a great programs to use; and it does a lot of different formulas that will help out a lot!