Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Post Two

Chapter two was interesting with all the facts it gave us. Facts about networks, multimedia, graphics, technology in the classroom, and many more. I learned a lot of new computer "lingo" and brushed up on some vocabulary I had already known. I now understand more about the connections and networks that all work together to make using computers and the Internet a lot easier.
What I found most interesting in chapter two was the section about multimedia on the web. I have always been interested in graphic design and love being creative. I learned that graphics are and digital representation of nontext information such as a drawing, chart, or photograph. Some more multimedia aspects are animation, audio, video, and virtual reality. The Internet has really taken off over the past years and most beneficially for educators and students. I am excited to become a teacher and have the Internet at my side to aide, entertain, and teach my future students.
Today I learned that there are many programs that can help teachers in classrooms run a more efficient class. At the same time, make tests, quizzes, and assignments for fun, accessible, and learning based for their students; all because of the Internet. I explored one such program called Hot Potatoes. It was a really convenient and conventional website and I am really looking in to using a website such as that one in the future for my teaching techniques.

1 comment:

Emily55 said...

I am also looking forward to using internet websites such as Hot Potatoes when I become a teacher. It will definitely save time!